Reiki Education - Learn by Doing

…that we are each born with the ability to receive AM radio waves. We all are potential transmitters and receivers of this energy. Our bodies and energy fields were constructed to do this work. However, even though radio waves are around us all the time, if we do not contain the specific equipment to receive and send this frequency, we are unable to perceive it. Reiki education and attunement literally opens a channel. It “tunes” us to the specific frequency of Reiki, a type of life-force energy. Read more about how Reiki works with our body systems here.

Attunement is...
…the initial opening of the Reiki channels. It enables a person to become familiar with the Reiki energy. Consequently, this enables them to pass healing to themselves and to their families, pets, and their immediate environment. It is the level that focuses on empowering the new healer to take charge of their own healing process. The new practitioner begins to see him or herself as a healing presence in the world. There is no age limit to this attunement. Some of the most powerful healers I have met are children, who eagerly accept Reiki into their worlds. Animals can also benefit from this attunement. Furthermore, an attunement for one’s pets at the same time as one’s self deepens the bond between ourselves and our animal companions.
An attunement is a process by which a Reiki Master opens another person to receive and transmit Reiki energy. It is a hands-on transfer of energy from the Master to the student and it is the only reliable way to open the Reiki energy. It is performed with the student seated and involves the Reiki Master placing symbols into the crown of the head, the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, and into other chakras as needed. Each person experiences each attunement differently, but most everyone describes the process as peaceful and gentle.
Reiki Education - Learn by Doing
All levels of Reiki Education are taught with a hands-on approach. Students learn about the ethics of touch and confidentiality. Real-life treatment scenarios are discussed. Each student is encouraged to explore his/her own relationship with Reiki energy. It is likely to be different than my own. Therefore, I encourage the give and take of ideas and discussion, as I highly value the life experience of my students.
Preparation for each level of study includes receiving at least four sessions of Reiki. I like to keep my group classes small – no more than six students for Level I, and no more than three students for Level II. Another alternative is private classes. This allows me to focus on the needs of the individual student and to move at a pace that is unique to her/him.

Class Materials
The texts I use for Levels I and II are my own works. They are based on nearly ten years of teaching Reiki and more than 20 years of teaching multiple subjects. They are provided in PDF form. It is best to read them before the first class.

Who Takes These Classes?
I like to begin my classes with an understanding of the goals and Reiki dreams of each student. People have very different reasons for pursuing Reiki education. I am careful not to assume that every student has a desire to open a Reiki practice. This is not a “one-size-fits-all” class. Many people learn Reiki primarily to heal themselves. Others have a sick family member, and they wish to learn a skill that helps their loved one. Furthermore, only a very few of my students have actually gone on to open a Reiki practice.
Students have told me that they felt intimidated by the process of learning an energy modality. They were concerned that they would not be able to keep up with “serious students” who were planning to open a Reiki practice. When I say that anyone can learn this, I really do mean ANYONE.
I have taught people from all walks of life: teachers, musicians, craftspeople, priests, librarians, stay-at-home moms… All of them had no trouble learning the simple principles and exercises that form the foundation of Reiki practice. Musicians tell me about how they integrate Reiki into the process of making music, both alone and with others. Craftspeople describe a deeper connection with their medium through touch. Parents relate stories about how Reiki helps to calm night terrors of their little ones. Most noteworthy, all of this is accomplished through this profound connection to the Divine Source by way of Reiki.

Reiki Self-Healing
One final benefit to being a Reiki practitioner of any level is the ability to do self-Reiki. This simple act of self-healing anchors my day as I lie in bed, preparing to go to sleep. I place my hands on my body and review the Reiki Principles as first taught by Dr. Mikao Usui.
I’m looking forward to answering your questions about your Reiki Education! Please use the form below and I’ll be in touch with you very soon!
I feel that overall I have learned so much about how to take care of myself – not just physically but mentally and spiritually as well. I sometimes overextend myself worrying/caring for others and you really helped me see that I need to make sure I take care of myself too!

Lizz L.
Reiki Student
I had an emotional crisis after 10 years of ignoring my body and mind’s messages that I needed to address some past issues in my life. After an amazing Reiki session with Christina, and her feedback, I decided to pursue getting my attunements… it’s been a wonderful gift, both for myself and what I’ve been able to do for others.

Lisa T.
Reiki Master