Sacred Space: How to Create it in Your Home

Our homes are an extension of the sacred temple that is our body. When we charge the energy of our home in alignment with healing and manifestation work, our results get dramatic and swift results. Let’s talk about some creative ways to create sacred space in the home that resonates with our beliefs and décor.

Firstly, we have to come to an understanding of what “sacred” means. Taken from the Latin sacrare “to devote”, “sacred” is also related to sacra meaning “holy” or “set apart”. It refers to a place or object that is set aside from profane use for the purpose of connecting with the Divine.

But what does the Divine mean to you?

sacred, space, altar, meditation, bible, wellspring energyworksPerhaps you are someone for whom following a particular religion is important to you. If this is you, then you may have items that are significant to you because of your faith practice. If these items are blessed, they have an even greater importance. When these items have been passed down through families they become even more special.

Perhaps religion isn’t your thing, but you connect deeply with nature. You might be deeply drawn to a painting or photograph of a dramatic landscape. Maybe you sense something greater than yourself in a collection of smooth sea glass or pebbles combed from a beach walk.

The items in themselves are much less important than the feelings and connection that they invoke in you. Do they remind you of your connection with the infinite Universe? Do they encourage you to pause and reconnect with the Source? I would argue that it is this quality – this invitation and reminder to connect with the Creative Source – that makes an item or a place sacred.

When we make the conscious choice to create sacred points of connectivity in our homes, we create the potential to remind ourselves throughout the day of our desire to create our dreams. We are invited to reconnect repeatedly, supercharging our manifestation work. With Source close to our daily thoughts, our Law of Attraction work jumps into turbo mode.

So how do we make this happen in our homes?

A celebration of our Ancestors

One way that we connect to the Source is through our ancestors. Many of us already have portraits of our families on display. Bringing these pictures into places of prominence can help us to find gratitude for what we have received from those who went before us.

In some cultures, ancestors are not only revered, but they are also celebrated for their ability to intercede for the living with the Divine. In Mexico on the Day of the Dead (Nov. 1), ofrendas (special altars) honor the spirits of family members who have died. Most Asian cultures honor their ancestors in some form. In Roman Catholicism, prayers to saints (including the unnamed saints of our families) are invoked to present intercessions for the living.

I hold in sacred space a picture of my grandmother, proudly showing her garden to my mother and myself. The family resemblance is unmistakable. This photo helps me to connect with my roots and helps me to remember part of who I am. I see in her face the Divine Feminine, and she helps me to remember to look for that presence in myself.

Related by Blood, but also by Spirit

Years ago, I had a piano teacher who had a table next to the piano with photographs of the composers and performers that inspired his playing. Do you have artists that fuel your passion? Don’t feel like you have to limit your photo gallery to relatives or even to those who have passed. Who inspires you to reach for the Source? Include these pictures in your sacred space.

Creating Elemental Balance in Sacred Space

One way to help us find balance within ourselves is to mirror the balance found in our world. The four elements of nature: earth, air, fire, and water – these are the basic building blocks of our earth. In pagan and indigenous religions, this balance is followed very strictly. However, it is also found (more subtly) in mainstream faith practices. Consider the sacred space of most Christian traditions: Constructed of wood or stone, the altar symbolizes the earth element. Candles symbolize fire. Water is present in baptism and in the Eucharistic rite for some faiths. Air is present everywhere, particularly in the presence of the Holy Spirit as a wind or a dove, or in fragrant incense.

In our own practices, we are certainly free to recreate these elements in a familiar way. We also have the liberty to interpret the elements in ways that are more personal. Here are a few of my favorites:

  • Earth: Trees, wooden objects, stone objects, plants, seeds, crystals, salt lamp, turtles
  • Air: Pinwheels, feathers, windchimes, streamers, banners, birds, dreamcatchers
  • Fire: oil lamp, incense, dragons, phoenix
  • Water: fountain, bowls, mirrors, fish, shells, sea glass

Supercharging our Manifestations

Working with the Law of Attraction is most successful when we are creating the feeling of what we desire before it actually arrives. When we are really able to feel the joy of having our desire, the reality of the desire is not far behind. By placing items in our sacred spaces that help to raise our vibration to the level of what we are manifesting, we are able to connect our desires in a more visceral way to Source energy. Consequently, our manifestation process accelerates rapidly.

For this technique to work most effectively, the symbols of your desire must be personal and strong. Even though the traditional color for prosperity in feng shui is purple, if you really feel connected to the green color of money, you should definitely go there. One feng shui prosperity symbol is a brass fish with a coin in its mouth. Personally, this symbol means absolutely nothing to me. If it means something to you, by all means – go for it!

Spend some time really thinking about this. What symbolizes prosperity to you? Is it a picture of a beautiful home? Or a pile of hundred-dollar bills? Maybe it’s that sweet car you’ve been dreaming of.

Manifesting a marriage prospect? How about a picture of a married couple? Or a picture of the place you’d like to go on your honeymoon? Get creative! Make sure you choose symbols that make you feel really good when you see them. They should help you get to the energetic and emotional place of having the object of your desire right now.

Making Sacred Space for Sacred Work

sacred space, altar, meditation, wellspring energyworksFinally, create a sacred space in your home for your meditation and visualization work. I choose my living room couch. From here I can look out at the amazing view of the mountains from my backyard. It always lifts my spirits and helps me to set the tone for positive meditation work. Choose the spot for its beauty. Create a comfortable place to sit where you can focus on the manifesting work in front of you at the highest vibration.

Have a candle on hand to light when you do your meditation. This will help you to set this time apart from your other activities. It sends a message to your highest self that something important is taking place. Essential oils can also add to the experience – choose what relaxes and focuses your intentions.

When you come back into your home, take a moment to acknowledge that you are entering sacred space. Slip off your shoes or do some other simple action to set the tone for your transition out of a worldly mindset into one that embraces the Divine within your home and within yourself.

Christina Laberge, Wellspring Energyworks

Clear your Space – Recharge your Self – Direct your Life

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Liturgical Fabric Artist, Composer, Reiki Master Teacher, Space Clearing Consultant, Energetic Better Living Coach - Christina Laberge is living abundantly in the Boston area with her wife, Kelly, her two cats (Tam-Tam and Rosie) and one very cranky parrot (Daisy). She loves choral music, creating fabric art, travel, and riding on the back of a very large Harley motorcycle.

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