How to Grow Hope with the Law of Attraction
I would classify myself as an on-again, off-again gardener. I had my first experiences in gardening while watching my grandparents grow vegetables in their backyard with prolific success. It was obviously hard work, but since I wanted to reap the benefits, I pitched in and helped to pick beans, strawberries, Swiss chard – whatever was ready to be harvested. My grandparents taught me the basics of growing things, but I didn’t actually put those skills to use until I was in grad school.
My (then) husband and I were living in a small apartment in West Hollywood, 3000 miles away from our home state of Maine. We were suffering from homesickness and a difficulty adjusting to city life. We had a narrow balcony that faced south, so I got this idea to start a container garden. I grew herbs, tomatoes, peppers and jasmine that climbed to the roof. It was my peaceful place – my escape from the press of city life and my studies.
It wasn’t until several years and two moves later that I was able to garden again, this time in a tiny, fenced-in plot outside our kitchen. I grew roses, lavender, herbs, and tomatoes – as much as I could cram in the tiny space. It proved to be a respite when my job became intolerable and my health took a poor turn from the stress. When so much in my life was feeling out of control and unpredictable, I turned to the soil, placing seeds beneath the surface with the expectation that, with the right ongoing care, they would grow and bear fruit.
Since then, I have planted many gardens, each time beginning with the unshakeable confidence that what I plant will grow. I have become more successful over the years, as I have learned to pay close attention to the amount of sun the space receives, and to research which plants will grow best under what conditions. There have been some failures, but they have only served to deepen my gardening knowledge and to strengthen my resolve to make the world a greener place. I am still learning and experimenting, turning to more experienced gardeners for advice when needed.
And then one day it hit me: Why in the world can’t I approach everything in my life the way I approach gardening?
All too often, we turn failures in our careers, our relationships, our goals inward, wounding our selves even more deeply:
“I’ve failed again. I am never going to amount to anything.”
“Everyone sees me as a failure. I should just give up.”
“I’m not sure why I even try.”
Entering these cycles of self-abuse, shame and despair would send me into a deep depression. This would be compounded with anxiety as I thrashed against the bars of my self-created cage, trying to break free. The damage done to my body, mind, and spirit was enormous. The damage done to my closest relationships was also huge, as they would try to keep me from sliding deeper into the abyss. Finally, utterly exhausted, I would slowly inch my way back to health, at great cost. This cycle repeated itself countless times.
Until one day, when I was thinning a pot of nasturtiums. I realized in a flash of insight that I have never once blamed myself because a plant failed to grow. A poor choice of planting location, fertilizer, etc. may have been made. I might not have watered it enough. Or, I might have done everything “right”, and for reasons beyond my control, the plant died. Each time, with an appropriate amount of regret for the failure, I have uprooted the deceased plant, filed away what I had learned in that instance, and planted again.
No self-abuse. No shame. Zero despair.
I planted the next plant with even more hope and expectation because I had learned something from the previous failure. My chances of success were improving because of the failures. And not once had I turned my gardening spade back upon myself. I have had nothing but positive associations with gardening because I have kept my intentions absolutely free of all the negative garbage I had given free rein over the rest of my life - the more important stuff, like my relationships and my work (which I love).
The Law of Attraction is pretty clear that whatever we sow, we reap. If we plant the seeds of our projects in the soil of our fears, water them with tears of regret and fertilize them with the imagined expectations of others, there is literally no way possible for these new bits of life to flourish. The only fruit that can be harvested is more fear, more regret, more disappointment.
If we plant every seed of our lives, every new venture, every dream in the rich soil of the expectation that they WILL grow and flourish, these seeds are given the foundation of success. Water them with the flow of action in a positive direction. Fertilize them with the nourishment of others’ help and wisdom. Soon these little seedlings are bursting out of their pots!
So, create the green lushness that is the garden of your life. Plant with the confidence that your seeds will bring forth life. Nourish your vision with ongoing care and inspiration. Greet failures with openness for the lessons they teach and plant again. And practice gratitude for each blossom, each ripe fruit that you harvest from the abundance you are creating.
Clear your Space - Recharge your Self - Direct your Life

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