Mindful Moving: Empowering the Transition-Part 1
Mindful Moving, Part I – Visioning the Move (30 days to Moving Day)
I looked at my wife from across the room. The job offer was fabulous. She had the opportunity to do the work she had dreamed of for so long in a place that we longed to live. Were we ready for some Mindful Moving?
“Are we doing this?” she asked me.
“Of course we are!” I replied.
And at that moment, the theoretical concept of moving from Los Angeles to Boston became concrete. How was this cross-country move going to happen? How were we going to make all the arrangements, tie up our loose ends and pack our stuff in less than a month? Where were we going to live? How were we going to engage in Mindful Moving?
We had way more questions than answers. One thing that I was absolutely certain about was that this move was a wonderful opportunity to create our lives anew. Uprooting ourselves from one coast to another was a powerful action.
If we could harness the power of shifting our lives in this way, what could we create in our new home?
I’m going to share with you my journey through Mindful Moving, with the intention of helping you to take back the power of this shift. Don’t let your move push you around – take charge and use this potent energy to transform your life.
Step #1 – Getting Clear
To optimize your Mindful Moving, it is important to get very clear about what you want. Everyone in the household needs to take part in identifying the dreams for the future home that you will be sharing:
- What aspects of current life do you want to maintain?
- Are there parts of current life you wish to leave behind?
- What are your manifesting goals as you move forward?
Don’t skimp on this stage! Kelly and I have spent long hours discussing the way we want to feel in our new home and life. We have discussed possibilities for new vacation spots, new hobbies, and ways to make our current interests relevant to the new area.
Step #2 – Get Information and Make Lists
Get a map of the area and a guidebook. (If you are an AAA member, they have lots of free resources.) Imagine that you are planning a vacation to the area. Make lists of places that you are interested in exploring. Next week, we travel to Boston to find our home. I have asked Kelly (who has lived in Boston previously) to show me some of her favorite places. Let the excitement carry you forward and generate lots of energy. (You are going to need it in the stages to come!)
Research the area around your new home and seek out new versions of your current favorite spots using the internet. For me, I needed to find a few good coffee shops where I could enjoy a cup of chai and work on my blog. For Kelly, she was looking for a local pub with great food and craft beer where we could become “locals”. We both love to cook. Therefore, it was also important that we find a great specialty grocer to keep us rocking our kitchen vibe.
Think of the places right now that you will really miss when you move. These are the types of places that you should research so that you have a list of spots to try out as soon as you arrive. Being prepared with this information will help you to generate more hopeful energy and less sadness at leaving your familiar spots.
Step #3 – Make a Plan
Set a date for your move and plan reasonable amounts of time for each aspect of the transition. It is not practical to try to pack a four-bedroom house in one week. (I’m certain that it could be done, but the energetic toll would be considerable.) Plan your packing strategy carefully, working from the least lived in areas of your home to the most. Schedule the packing of storage areas first: basements, attics, closets, garages.
This is also the time of list-making. Start a Mindful Moving notebook and keep all of your important moving information in one, easily accessible place. Here are some ideas for lists that are helpful:
- Essentials – things that will not be packed, that you will be keeping with you.
- Utility and Services that need to be stopped
- Utility and Services that need to be started
- Contact info for doctors, veterinarians, etc. who will need to transfer info
- People you want to say goodbye to
- Home cleaning and repair tasks
- Expenses incurred while moving (may be tax deductible)
- Medications that need a refill
Step #4 – Make time for Connection and Renewal
Energetically, moving is one of the most taxing tasks we can undertake. There is much to do, but it is also important to make time to have a last meal at your favorite restaurant, visit your favorite park, take that last trip to the family’s favorite spot.
Finally, it’s also important to make time for the people who you will be leaving behind. Try to connect with the ones with whom you want to maintain a relationship after you leave. Consider hosting a simple open house with uncomplicated food and drink and invite your friends and family to “drop in” and enjoy a little time with you. Don’t worry about the state of your house – everyone knows that you are moving. As long as you have some places for people to sit and a little something to eat, it’s all good.
Ultimately, the way we choose to move is just that – a choice. You can choose to let it make you a stressed-out bundle of nerves, too exhausted to engage with your new neighborhood. Or, you can choose to move mindfully, with the intention of creating a new life that is optimized to flow in the direction of your choice with ease and excitement. Mindful Moving is the best way to accomplish this task.
Stay tuned for Part 2: Packing and Decluttering for your New Chapter.
Clear your Space – Recharge your Self – Direct your Life

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[…] the life you are creating in your next home. (Read about how to create a vision for your new life here.) Add to this the practical aspect of creating a safe place for your important documents and […]