Prosperity, Feng Shui and the Solar Plexus Chakra

solar plexus, chakra, manipura, self-esteem, confidence, wellspring energyworks

Representation of the Solar Plexus Chakra

Located in the area around our upper abdomen (below the rib cage, but above the navel), the third chakra is the center of our sense of self, our self-awareness and our identity. It is the place from which we must breathe to be fully alive. It is the “furnace” of energy that fuels our will and helps us to self-motivate to move through life. Also, it is linked to the Prosperity area of our home in the feng shui energetic system.

In our society, financial abundance is often equated with freedom and ease. Money is an energy form that allows us to project our desires into the world quickly and freely. By developing an awareness of how the Solar Plexus chakra and the Prosperity area of the home are maximized, we supercharge our manifestations and quickly gain confidence as masters of the Law of Attraction.

Third Chakra Characteristics

self-confidence, solar plexus, chakra, wellspring energyworksWhen the third chakra is well balanced, we feel self-assured and possess a healthy ego. We know who we are and we know what we want. A balanced third chakra gives us the energy to be responsible, while still maintaining a sense of spontaneity and playfulness. Above all, we are able to stand confidently in the knowledge of our personal power and use it appropriately.

If the third chakra is or weak or blocked, the result is low self-esteem and poor self-discipline. The person can become trapped in a victim mentality. This can result in a tendency to blame others and to defer taking personal responsibility. Often, the person will have an overall presentation of low vitality. Digestive issues, including indigestion, are common.

With an overactive third chakra, traits of aggression, bullying, manipulation, and volatile temper are common. They may be highly competitive and driven by an inflated sense of ambition. These folks have a desperate need to be right and to have the last word in an argument.

Keeping Your Solar Plexus Chakra Healthy

The third chakra benefits greatly from both vigorous exercises as well as relaxation techniques. Reiki is particularly helpful in balancing this chakra. It is important to note that for teens and young adults, this chakra is often wildly in flux, as they experiment with different aspects of identity and belonging. It is normal and usually resolves by the late 20’s-early 30’s.

Feng Shui and your Prosperity Corner

In Feng Shui, the prosperity area of our home is the far left corner. (This is from the vantage point of standing at your front door, looking into the house). The psychological roots of this location have to do with the behavior of our Cro-Magnon ancestors. The tribe stored “treasures”(food, medicine, ritual items) in the farthest recesses of the cave. This protected them from pillaging by other tribes. Consequently, this allowed protection of their most valued items, while still accessing them easily when needed.

We do not need to protect the far-left corner of our house in quite the same way although it may be a good place for a home safe or fire-proof container to store important documents. We can also enhance the prosperity energy of this corner with a few simple tricks.


prosperity, feng shui, kitchen, wellspring energyworks

My prosperity area, which happens to be in my kitchen

The traditional feng shui color for prosperity is purple. It’s not a color that I personally associate with prosperity, but since it is my favorite color, I have an amethyst crystal in my prosperity area. Another color associated with wealth is the color red. I decided that since my prosperity area is located in my kitchen, that I would place my beloved cherry red KitchenAid mixer here. Gold also works very well in this area for obvious reasons. For most Americans, the green of money is the color we associate with wealth. I placed a small jade plant here (a feng shui favorite) to boost the energy. I also like the energizing color of the third chakra, yellow.

Plants and Things that Move

Yes! Living green growing things are just the ticket for an inflow of cash! Make sure to avoid any spiky plants like a cactus. Choose plants with rounded leaves for best results. Mobiles and water are also good choices to add a dynamic energetic flow to this area. A fountain is a fabulous choice to add, as are pinwheels. Get your money mojo MOVING!

Things to avoid

  • money, wealth, prosperity, feng shui, law of attraction, loa, wellspring energyworksDirt – This is one area of your home that must be absolutely clean if you want your cash flow to shift positively. No dust or dirt allowed!
  • Dead things – No dead plants, dried flowers, taxidermy, etc. Keep it lively!
  • Broken stuff – This symbolizes the Universal flow of abundance to you – broken. Not good.
  • Reminders of when you were broke – That set of plastic glasses you had in college when you had zero money to your name – get rid of them. If it reminds you of times when you were poor, it can’t be here.
  • Toilets – If your bathroom is in this area, at least keep the lid of the toilet closed at all times.
  • Clutter – Keep this area as clean and clear of clutter as you possibly can. If you don’t make room for abundance to flow it, it goes elsewhere.

If you are interested in learning more about how to use the Law of Attraction to manifest what you desire, check out this article here.

Christina Laberge, Wellspring Energyworks

Clear your Space – Recharge your Self – Direct your Life

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Liturgical Fabric Artist, Composer, Reiki Master Teacher, Space Clearing Consultant, Energetic Better Living Coach - Christina Laberge is living abundantly in the Boston area with her wife, Kelly, her two cats (Tam-Tam and Rosie) and one very cranky parrot (Daisy). She loves choral music, creating fabric art, travel, and riding on the back of a very large Harley motorcycle.

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