Sacred Sound – Enhance Your Home
Let’s talk about how to use sound to create a more restful and sacred environment in your home.
After a long day at work, ferrying kids, doing errands (or all of the above), you are ready to be home. Loaded with bags, purse, mail, and whatever else, you unlock the door and walk into your home.
As you close the door behind you, what do you hear?
Is what you hear restful? Refreshing? Relaxing?
I love the moment of being reunited with my home after being away from it. Even when I’ve only been gone for the day, I love slipping into the atmosphere of my home in the same way that I slide my feet into my fleece slippers.
Why is Sound Important?
With my musical training, I have learned first-hand how music and sound effects people on many levels. The therapeutic use of sound has been studied extensively and sound-based therapies are being integrated into alternative and mainstream medical practices.
Eileen McKusick published in her blog for the Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine that sound affects the human body more than researchers previously realized:
“The human body is wired to be exquisitely sensitive to sound. The faculty of hearing is one of the first sense(s) to develop in utero, and the last to depart before death. In addition to perceiving sound through our ears, a recent NIH study published in the journal Nature (November, 2009) shows that we also “hear” the pressure waves of sound through our skin. Water, of which our bodies are largely composed, conducts sound at a rate approximately four times faster than air.”
Since we are such sound oriented beings, it is no wonder that sounds have the power to shift our environment from being highly annoying (fingernails on a chalkboard or a buzzing mosquito) to being soothing and relaxing (flowing water or music). Taking control of this powerful factor in our home helps us to transition more quickly and completely from the fast-paced world outside.
Sound Blessings for your Door
The first thing I notice is the gentle chime of brass temple bells as I close the door. The sacred sound reminds me that I have entered into the sacred temple of my home. I shut the door on the outside world and transition to the embrace of my home temple. I strung on a ribbon that hangs over the doorknob. These bells are also handy when I am home, as I can hear each time someone comes or goes.

Ringing a hanging bell allows you to shift out of “hurry” mode into a more relaxed atmosphere
Some people prefer to ring a bell by hand as they enter their home. I like this tradition – it reminds me of the practice of ringing a bell at the start of a religious service. You can choose a handheld bell that rests on a table in the entryway, or you can choose a hanging bell that is close at hand.
Historically, bells mark sacred moments and consecrate space with sacred sound. I use a very special bell for the purpose of Space Clearing. Made in Bali, the tradition of crafting sacred bells has been entrusted to priests for generations. I never touch this bell unless I am spiritually prepared. I ring this bell only with my left hand, as my right hand must be left free to extend blessings upon the space.
Ambient Sacred Sounds
As a musician, I have a great love of silence. Generally, I play music only at certain times for specific intentions. Background music (or television) that runs continually may keep you from developing a deep appreciation for the peace that only comes through silence.
Whatever sacred sounds you add to the atmosphere of your home, make sure that they are added with intention and do not run by default. When choosing background music, make certain that it aligns with the energy of your home and of your activities.

Chiming fountain
I am particularly fond of the chiming fountain that graces my entryway/dining room. Made of copper, it uses a gentle flow of water that pushes metal chimes in a circle, striking against fixed brass chimes in the center. It is a soft, irregular sound that I find particularly soothing.
We have an old, restored mantle clock in our living room that chimes the hour and half hour. The ticking of the clock is soft and provides what we like to call the “heartbeat of our home.”
Another favorite of mine is Woodwick candles. They come in a variety of delicious scents. When lit, the wick makes a crackling sound that is reminiscent of a wood fire. Right now, as we head into the holiday season, I am really enjoying the Frasier Fir/Velvet Woods/Enchanted Evergreen scent.
Bringing Sacred Sounds from Outside In
If you have an outdoor space, try hanging wind chimes. There are a vast variety of chimes in different pitches, so experiment. I like ones with lower tones like these. Hang them closer or farther from the house to adjust the volume level. (Remember that they will be louder in the summer months with your windows open.)
Fountains and water features with “splash” can also create a lovely soundscape that filters indoors. Experiment with the level of water to adjust the sound quality. In my previous home, I absolutely adored the courtyard fountain! This feature also activated the energy of the Career area of our home fabulously: my wife got the job of her dreams and my coaching business took off once we started running the fountain 24/7.
White Noise Solutions
In my workspace (where I meet clients), I have a small tabletop fountain that lays a foundation of sacred sound that is little more than a trickle of water. There are lots of great designs to choose from, or you can build your own. This unobtrusive bit of white noise also helps to block out any sounds from the outside or of other people in the house. The movement of the water also helps to generate chi and disperse stuck energy.
I also use a white noise generator at the door if greater sound filtering is required. Additionally, when traveling, I use an app that creates white noise. This has been a lifesaver when staying in noisy hotels!
Layer Sacred Sound with Intention
As you assess the sound environment of your home, make certain that you do not add too much of any one sound. Allow sacred sounds to become a part of the fabric of your home, but do not allow them to distract from the activities of daily life.
If you like the effect of a sound maker, try moving it to different locations on your home until you find the combination that is just right. Fountains can sound very different, depending on the level of water. Experiment with the location of your sound enhancements – location is everything!
Clear your Space – Recharge your Self – Direct your Life
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[…] the first article in this series on using the senses to create sacred space at home, I explored using sound to enhance the […]