Space Clearing: Two Moving Checklist Essentials

boxes, moving boxes, space clearing, moving checklist, moving house, wellspring energyworksMoving is a stressful and exciting time for the whole family. It is a time of endings and new beginnings. We dream of what will be possible with a new start and a clean slate. But in the pressure of deadlines and packing and traveling, it is easy to overlook the energetic work that forms the foundation of a great new start. Space Clearing is a vital part of the moving process. It allows an energetic clean start in a new space and the setting of intentions at the beginning of your occupancy. It gives everyone the chance to slow down and recognize the unique energetic signature of the space. This builds a cooperative relationship with your new home from the start.

What is Space Clearing?

As people live in a space, it accumulates residual energy from the daily activities and emotions in the house. Positive emotions lend to an uplifting energy in the space, while negative emotions may cause a space to feel dark, stuffy or unwelcoming. Space Clearing is the process of sweeping away those less than beneficial energies and programming the space with intentions for happiness, growth, and well-being. With the help of a Space Clearing Consultant, the positive qualities of the home’s energy signature can be enhanced and melded seamlessly with your family’s lifestyle and goals. For more information about my Space Clearing services, click here.

When is the best time to do a Space Clearing in my new home?
space clearing, moving, moving checklist, moving house, wellspring energyworks

Space Clearing is best done when the house is still empty.

Space Clearing is best performed when the house is empty of all furnishings. The house should be as clean as possible. When I am doing a Space Clearing, I like to visit the house and get a sense of the scope of the project. During this walk-through, I am paying close attention to the energy of the house and distinguishing the home’s unique energy from the clutter of emotional energy left by previous occupants. I have a particular knack with establishing a rapport with a place and its energy, so I allow myself to settle into a “conversation” with the space. (This sounds a lot weirder than it looks – I’m actually very quiet and still during the process.)

What actually happens during a Space Clearing?

After the walk-through, we schedule a time for the actual Space Clearing – usually within a week. There are preparations that will need to be made – I provide a checklist to help you with this task. The Space Clearing itself relies heavily upon sound – I use different methods to clear the space depending on the situation. I also use Reiki, physically touching the walls and floors with my hands.

After space is cleared, we go through the house together, setting intentions for each space as your family wishes. I also use blessings at this time. Choose a format that is compatible with your spiritual practice, including a very broad invoking of Universe or Source. If you wish, you may invite a clergy person of your religious faith to join us at this point. (My wife is an Episcopal priest and may be available to assist if you are new to the area and haven’t found a church home.)

At this point, your new home is move-in ready!

But what about the home you are leaving?

Space Clearing as an act of Gratitude

moving, moving checklist, moving house, space clearing, wellspring energyworksMany years ago, I was a Girl Scout. I very much take to heart the adage of “Leave a place better than you found it.”  This is an act of gratitude for the home that has been your shelter and oasis. It also generates a great deal of good karma. You are leaving your former home clean and clear for the next people who will be living in it.

As you stand amidst the last few boxes and are cleaning the house for the last time, stop and take a minute to meditate on all that has happened within those walls.

  • Remember the celebrations – birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, new jobs
  • Recall the difficult times – arguments, job stress, disagreements with kids, grief, illness
  • Respect the growth that happened here – challenges faced, new ideas, problems solved
Let your emotions flow

The Space Clearing for the house that you are leaving is simpler. The only intentions left behind are for the new owners. I recommend leaving with the intention that whoever lives there next will find shelter, comfort, and happiness. Let your heart be full of gratitude for all that has been learned and lived in this home. This is often an emotional moment – don’t shy away from the tears. Keep it simple. Do your best to leave the space as physically clean as possible. When I Space Clear the old home, I usually can do it in one trip.

Coming “Home” with Intention

space clearing, declutter, kitchen, moving, moving house, moving checklist, wellspring energyworksBy showing gratitude for the place you have called “Home”, you are creating an energetic signal. You are ready for your new home to give you more than just shelter and an address. You are beginning a relationship with a place that potentially will help you and your family to make positive changes. The act of entering your new home for the first time after completely releasing the old home is a big moment. Instead of entering through the garage or back door, make a point to enter through your front door. Open the door with an open heart for this new chapter in your life. As you step into the house, imagine being embraced by your home and drawn inward.

Welcome Home!

Christina Laberge, Wellspring Energyworks

Clear your Space – Recharge your Self – Direct your Life

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Liturgical Fabric Artist, Composer, Reiki Master Teacher, Space Clearing Consultant, Energetic Better Living Coach - Christina Laberge is living abundantly in the Boston area with her wife, Kelly, her two cats (Tam-Tam and Rosie) and one very cranky parrot (Daisy). She loves choral music, creating fabric art, travel, and riding on the back of a very large Harley motorcycle.

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