3 Tips to Get Specific with Law of Attraction

In the early stages of learning how to make the Law of Attraction work in my favor, I experienced a lot of frustration. I seemed to have no problem manifesting small things, but when it came to the big things, success was elusive. Keeping my positive energy up, I was visualizing like crazy. I was taking action towards my goals. Still, the specific things, the BIG things, were out of reach.

Get Specific

I was talking about this with a friend of mine who was also working with the Law of Attraction. She had been getting results much faster and bigger than I was, so I was ready to pick her brain. I told her all about my process and results. She was thoughtful, and asked me, “Tell me all the details of the job you are manifesting.”

Parts of it were easy to relate: salary, the type of work I wanted to be doing, location. But then I sort of trailed off. She said with confidence, “I know what your problem is. You aren’t being specific enough.”

I started getting uncomfortable. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

“I guess I wanted to leave room for things to take shape as they will,” I replied.

“Nope. That’s not how this works. When you fail to be specific, you send the Universe mixed signals. Then, the Universe has two choices: it can either wait until you provide enough detail to go forward with the plan, or it can make decisions for you. And the Universe doesn’t like to guess. Most of the time, it just waits. Sometimes, though, you can get something you really don’t want, because you didn’t finish the job of manifesting clearly.”

You Can’t Avoid Disappointment

And I knew that she was absolutely right. What I wasn’t ready to confess to her was why I was reluctant to be more specific. I felt like if I wasn’t specific that I was protecting myself in some way from disappointment.

Here’s the problem with that plan: It doesn’t get you where you want to go in life, and then you end up disappointed anyway. I want to give you some real-life examples of how Law of Attraction works when we aren’t specific enough.

Jean’s Story

Jean and Michael and their four kids were on a family vacation. Money was very tight, and at the end of the week, Jean was feeling increasingly anxious about their budget. So, she prayed that she would find some money. Later that day, the family was on a walk by the river. Her daughter, Ann, found a check for $100 on the ground. They brought it back to Jean’s brother, who lived in the area. He knew the person whose name was on the check! It belonged to a young man who was about to ship out in the Navy. He had been swimming in the river with his friends and was frantic after losing the check, as he desperately needed the money. Jean had successfully manifested finding money, but it didn’t belong to her.

If Jean had focused on the way that she would feel if her family had more money at the end of her vacation, this would have brought money that was available to her to use for her family.

Kathy’s Story

Every time that Kathy had changed jobs, she was clear about manifesting that there be “enough money” to bridge the gaps between paychecks. Her manifestation worked perfectly – her savings account was just about empty by the time she received her first check. She had manifested exactly what she had requested – “enough”. But she had lost her financial buffer, and it took some time to build it up again.

Kathy should have figured out what financial resources she wanted to be comfortable during her transition and focused on how it would feel to receive exactly what she desired. Instead, the Universe filled her order exactly as she had placed it, and no more.

When to be specific and when to leave it open-ended

In some cases, though, it is a better idea to NOT be specific. This concept is best applied to HOW the thing that you are manifesting will make its way to you. Here’s a great example. I was talking with a client of mine the other day about the Law of Attraction. She is currently working hard to manifest more money coming into her experience. She told me that she is putting a great deal of energy into winning the lottery. I told her that this is great but is ultimately limiting.

It is a better technique to focus on the feeling of having the money rather than the means of receiving it. The lottery is only one way that a large sum of money can come into your life. Hence, by staying open to letting the Universe figure out the “how”, she could have an unexpected inheritance from a long-lost relative. Or come up with an idea for a business or invention that could bring the prosperity she seeks.

By focusing energy strictly on the feeling of the money being in one’s life, this leaves the Universe free to explore all possible pathways to deliver your manifestation to you. Alternately, limiting yourself to one channel slows down the process.

Let’s sum up these ideas with three tips to increase the speed and volume of your manifesting flow.

3 Tips to Streamline Your Manifesting Flow

  1. Get super specific about what you want. If you are manifesting a new relationship, make a list of the qualities you are seeking. Nothing is insignificant! If you are manifesting financial abundance, put a number out there. Write a check to yourself for the number you are seeking. Don’t feel like it will limit you. Once you have achieved this number, you can manifest a higher amount. If you are seeking a new job, list everything that you are looking for – the quality of work environment, colleagues, boss, etc.
  2. Focus on how you will feel once you have what you desire. Write journal entries as if you already are living the life with your dream. Let yourself get carried away with how good it feels to have your manifestation. The stronger your feelings, the faster the Law of Attraction works.
  3. Leave the “how” of the process up to the Universe. This leaves you open to receiving through channels that you aren’t aware of! The abundance you seek flows from the Source like water, running downhill. It will always find and create the channels it requires to reach its destination.

I’m looking forward to hearing all about the fabulous things that you’ve been able to manifest using these tips and the Law of Attraction!

Christina Laberge, Wellspring Energyworks

Clear your Space – Recharge your Self – Direct your Life

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Liturgical Fabric Artist, Composer, Reiki Master Teacher, Space Clearing Consultant, Energetic Better Living Coach - Christina Laberge is living abundantly in the Boston area with her wife, Kelly, her two cats (Tam-Tam and Rosie) and one very cranky parrot (Daisy). She loves choral music, creating fabric art, travel, and riding on the back of a very large Harley motorcycle.

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