6 Ways to Stay Positive when the News Cycle is Sh*t

Are you finding it difficult to keep your energetic vibration high when the news cycle makes you feel sick? When we let ourselves become continually distracted and overcome by news and events, we lose the ability to be sources of light for others. If you are working with the Law of Attraction, it is critical to keep your personal vibration high and clear.

Here are six ways to keep your energy up when the events of the world get you down:

#1 – Limit your media intake

social media, media, news, wellspring energyworksDon’t wake up to the news on your alarm clock. Don’t check the news first thing in the morning – wait until you’ve had a shower and coffee (lunch is even better). Walk away (or put on headphones) when in places with more news than you want to hear (gym, work, doctor’s office, etc.) Use filters to stop seeing content from people who regularly post things that get you riled up on social media. It’s your social media – take charge of what you see. Shut off breaking news alerts on your phone.

#2 – Choose a news source in the middle of the political spectrum

Check out where your news source falls on this handy bias spectrum chart. Although you may agree with sources farther to the left or right, the middle ground is less likely to elicit strong negative emotions. It is also likely to provide the most reliable information as well.

#3 – Follow up your media intake with joyful actions

Go for a walk. Do something pleasant. Listen to an uplifting podcast or music that gives you joy. Use your commute time for cultivating peace and pleasure.

#4 – Rely on trusted friends

news, breaking, media, wellspring energyworksMy wife follows the news with less energetic impact to her day than I have. When there is a significant piece of news that she feels I should know, she shares it with me. Find someone you trust that can tune you in to important events. This way, you don’t feel like you have to look at every breaking news story that comes across your feed.

#5 – Make time for positive action each day

I have a friend who is extremely politically active. She sends me email updates with opportunities and links to write to my representatives on important issues. I pick some each day and take a few moments to add my name to a petition or a form letter. She makes it so easy! This way I feel like I have done my part. I also am mindful of where I spend my money and often take a few moments to support companies and political candidates whose ideals align with my own. Make sure you are registered to vote and DO IT! Do it consistently, at every opportunity.

#6 – Let go of the parts you cannot immediately control

Which is most of it. Aside from being good citizens and voting, there is little else to be done, and little gained from allowing negativity to settle into you. If you choose to exercise your free speech at a demonstration, rally or town hall meeting, do it with love and patience. Speak your mind, but don’t let the emotions of the crowd push you off your stability.

Christina Laberge, Wellspring Energyworks

Clear your Space – Recharge your Self – Direct your Life

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Liturgical Fabric Artist, Composer, Reiki Master Teacher, Space Clearing Consultant, Energetic Better Living Coach - Christina Laberge is living abundantly in the Boston area with her wife, Kelly, her two cats (Tam-Tam and Rosie) and one very cranky parrot (Daisy). She loves choral music, creating fabric art, travel, and riding on the back of a very large Harley motorcycle.

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