Third Eye Chakra – Intuition and Networking

third eye, chakra, ajna, intuition, wellspring energyworksThe sixth chakra, or Third Eye Chakra, is located in the center of the forehead. This chakra is associated with vision, intuition, and insight. It contains the energy that fuels our dreams at night. It is the seat of our own self-identity, as we turn its powerful vision inward to perceive ourselves. The Third Eye Chakra is the means by which we are able to perceive patterns in the world around us, from which we take our first intuitive leap as we predict what might happen next.

When this chakra is balanced, we clearly vision our possible futures. We tap into the manifesting power of the Universe. It also allows us to trust in our own intuitive strength, gathering information from outside the parameters of the five senses. When the Third Eye is healthy, we are adept at abstract thought and capable of symbolic thinking. Consequently, dreamlife is rich, and dream recall is easy. With practice, the information in dreams gives a broader perspective of one’s inner development.

Problems with the Third Eye Chakra

third eye, chakra, ajna, intuition, dreams, wellspring energyworksA weak or blocked Third Eye Chakra produces individuals with poor dream recall and difficulty in creating a vision for the future. Also, they may claim to be “unimaginative” and may quickly lose their grasp of details in their memories. Deficiencies in the sixth chakra may result in feelings of denial. Furthermore, these people may seem insensitive to others, missing verbal and social cues. Finally, they may be prone to black and white thinking, unable to see past the only option they are able to perceive.

Excessive energy in the Third Eye results in delusional behavior, with the individual clinging to illusions. Their mind may often wander from the task at hand, making it difficult to follow through completely. They may also be prone to nightmares and may startle easily.

Balancing the Third Eye Chakra

Art therapy that focuses on the visual arts is particularly beneficial for strengthening and balancing this chakra. Choose mediums that allow for freedom of expression with few rules. It is important to enter into the art therapy with no hint of a judgment of the outcome. As a result, it’s not about creating “good” art – it’s about allowing the visual nature of the Third Eye Chakra to have free rein.

Meditation is also beneficial for the health of the Third Eye Chakra, as is dream work. Setting the intention to remember one’s dreams is a great way to start a process that taps this inner landscape as a resource. Keep a notebook and pen beside the bed to jot down any dream fragments. Also, find a dream interpretation source that resonates with you and explore some possible symbolism of your dreams.

Above all else, trust that the information coming from your intuitive self is real and valid. It is worthy of your notice and will help to corroborate what you take in through your other senses. The more you rely on the information received from your Third Eye, the better the flow of energy through this chakra becomes.

The Third Eye and the Helpful People area of the Home

third eye chakra, ajna, networking, feng shui, wellspring energyworksSpeaking of helpful information, let’s talk about the area of your home that corresponds with the Third Eye Chakra – the Helpful People & Travel area. This area is located on the front face of your home (the side that faces the street) on the right side.

Energizing this area of the house connects you in meaningful ways to people and places that you desire in your life. Hoping to have more opportunities to travel? Looking to connect with people in business and friendship? Wanting to network with ethical service providers? This is the spot that needs attention.

You may be wondering – what do helpful people have to do with intuition? They are both about seeking assistance and information from outside your usual sources. They allow you to tune your vibrations to receive what you desire. Envisioning things with your mind’s eye is similar to traveling to a new destination. It is your vision that creates the new reality just as the act of travel brings you to a new location.


Indigo is the traditional color of the Third Eye Chakra and gray is the feng shui color for this area. Metal and water live in this area happily, especially silver items.

In Karen Rauch Carter’s book, “Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life”, she suggests a fabulous method for manifesting exactly the sort of help that you want:

“Position three containers for three different tasks of attracting helpful people somewhere in the vicinity (remember, they don’t have to be publicly displayed). Optimally, these three should include one small silver box with a lid (real silver, silver plated, or even a paper box painted silver), one silver envelope large enough to hold documents (from a stationery store, or use an aluminum foil envelope), and one larger container like a paper grocery bag or box (spray it silver if you want).

The small silver box is used for events that need help now (three days to three weeks). This container must have a lid. I prefer those little jewelry boxes with red velvet inside (remember-red can activate something). This container will hold papers with names of people or projects in it. So, for convenience, make the box at least business-card size. As a rule, do not place more than three requests in this container at one time.

The second container is a silver envelope large enough to hold legal-type documents (approximately nine by twelve inches). Stationery stores carry this size of envelope. If it is silver or gray, so much the better. You can also use one of those aluminum foil bags made for cooking. This envelope is used for things that last months (scripts, contracts, invitations). Remember to remove an item when you’ve been adequately helped.

The third container is for things that stay around for a long time – your doctor, your business clients, your mentors, your family tree. You can essentially place the name of everyone you meet in this container.” [pg. 131-132]

third eye chakra, travel, dream, wellspring energyworksI love this method! It helps me to clarify what my needs are and how immediately I need them. Consequently, it also helps me to refine my gratitude for the many helpful connections that I already have. I have used this method several times to manifest some amazing travel opportunities with great success.

I also recommend placing pictures in this area of people who have been an inspiration to you. You can choose religious figures, cultural icons – whoever helps you to lift your vibrations to a higher level. Honor them here.

Things to Avoid

Keeping this area free from clutter, broken things and dirt is as important as in the Prosperity corner. Stay away from storing things associated with lonely times here. Keep the vibration high and charged and watch yourself move into exciting new relationships and places with ease and flow!

Christina Laberge, Wellspring Energyworks

Clear your Space – Recharge your Self – Direct your Life

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Liturgical Fabric Artist, Composer, Reiki Master Teacher, Space Clearing Consultant, Energetic Better Living Coach - Christina Laberge is living abundantly in the Boston area with her wife, Kelly, her two cats (Tam-Tam and Rosie) and one very cranky parrot (Daisy). She loves choral music, creating fabric art, travel, and riding on the back of a very large Harley motorcycle.

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