Throat Chakra: Healing your Creative Spirit

throat chakra, vishuddhu, voice, creativity, wellspring energyworksThe Throat Chakra, located at the base of the front of the neck, is the energetic seat of creativity and self-expression. From this point, we are prompted to speak our deepest truths and to put our energy back into the world in the form of our creative efforts.

When this chakra is healthy and balanced, we are able to communicate our truth with authenticity and conviction. We are able to listen to others with patience and presence. The vocal mechanism is free to produce a strong and resonant sound. Our creativity flows easily and is fueled by a strong foundation of safety and self-knowledge.

Throat Chakra Issues

Weakness in this chakra is characterized by a fear of being heard and pronounced introversion. There may be a difficulty in expressing feelings and thoughts to others. Creative blocks are common with an unsupported throat chakra. Difficulty making music due to an inability to hear and match pitch as well as a difficulty in syncing rhythmically is often an issue.

People with excessive energy in this chakra tend to dominate the conversation and often gossip. People with an overactive throat chakra speak before thinking, often interrupting others. Listening skills are impaired because the individual is completely focused on what they desire to say next.

Physical presentations of throat chakra issues center around the throat, neck, and jaw. Phonation and onset issues may be a problem for singers. There may also be issues with the ears, as listening is a component of this chakra. One of the best ways to balance this chakra is through tonal therapy and chanting. Learning to make sound with one’s voice with no regard for its quality can break through creative blocks. Finally, any form of self-expression can be balancing to this chakra, especially if it is not a medium that one is proficient in.

Feng Shui and Creativity

throat chakra, creativity, feng shui, wellspring energyworksThe parallel of the throat chakra with the Creativity and Children area of the home in the feng shui system is an easy one to see. With the right enhancements to the home, you can charge up self-expression and creativity. People trying to conceive a child receive energetic support. Throat chakra issues often occur in conjunction with Sacral (2nd) chakra problems. Both chakras need to be healthy and energized to conceive and bear a child.

Here’s how to find the Creativity and Children area of your home: Standing at the front door of your home, face into the house, and look to the 3:00 position. The first step to enhancing this area of the home is to be certain that it is free from clutter and is clean from dust and dirt. Clear away anything broken or unused – it hampers the creative process.


White and Yellow are the feng shui colors for this area. Aqua blue is the color associated with the throat chakra. I strongly suggest white walls for this area, as it provides a “clean slate” upon which to create energetically. Red is not a good choice for this area. It is associated with the fire element and does not harmonize with these energies.


Metal objects are of primary importance to boost the energy of this area. If you are trying to conceive a child, try a picture of a child (not one you personally know) in a metallic picture frame. Another good choice would be a small metal figurine of parents with children. Always display items in threes – it is the power number for the area. Metal wind chimes are also very effective in this area. Add a potted plant in a white or yellow ceramic bowl for extra power. Round and square shapes are best in this area. Electronics go well in this area as well – this is a good place for your computer, television, and computers. Be creative! Use things that symbolize creativity to you – art supplies, musical instruments, etc.

Things to Avoid

Keep anything related to fire out of this space: candles, barbeques, etc. If you have a fireplace in this area, try not to use it when you are experiencing creative low times or are trying to conceive. Counteract the fire element of the fireplace with a large mirror hung over it or a seashore scene.

Anything with sharp-edged or points is not suited for this area. Avoid triangular objects. Plants are fine, but this is definitely not the place for a cactus! Choose something with rounded leaves that drape toward the floor.

throat chakra, creativity, inspiration, muse, feng shui, wellspring energyworksMake certain that the flow of energy (or chi) is not blocked from this area. Keep furniture and other large objects from obstructing the path of healthy energy into this area. Another way to heal the throat chakra while charging this area is to sing in this part of your home with regularity. If you desire a child, sing a lullaby while looking at the photo of a baby in a metal frame. Imagine that you are actually singing to the child that you already have. Create the energy of your child-to-be, and the reality will soon follow.

If you are desiring more creativity, perhaps it is time to sing a song of courting to your Muse. Haven’t thought about your Muse? Maybe it’s time to create a character that symbolizes the creative energy you are invoking. Invite your Muse into this area of your home with little gifts. Create a tiny “fairy garden”, complete with a little metal chair for your Muse as she whispers inspiration into your ear.

Christina Laberge, Wellspring Energyworks

Clear your Space – Recharge your Self – Direct your Life

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Liturgical Fabric Artist, Composer, Reiki Master Teacher, Space Clearing Consultant, Energetic Better Living Coach - Christina Laberge is living abundantly in the Boston area with her wife, Kelly, her two cats (Tam-Tam and Rosie) and one very cranky parrot (Daisy). She loves choral music, creating fabric art, travel, and riding on the back of a very large Harley motorcycle.

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