Transitional Sacred Space Amidst Chaos
Mindful Moving: Transitional Sacred Space (and why you need it NOW) – Part 2
It’s less than three weeks to Moving Day. Our house, which is normally my oasis of calm and relative order, has descended into utter chaos. The books are mostly packed, but the kitchen is untouched. The family room is the primary staging area, filled with boxes in varying stages of packing. I used to know where everything was, but no longer. My life feels almost as chaotic as my house. I need a transitional sacred space.
What is Transitional Sacred Space?
Imagine one corner of your moving immersed home that is clear of boxes and things looking for a place to live. Imagine one spot where you can turn your back on the chaos for a moment and ground yourself fully. Picture a space where you can continue your manifestation of the life you are creating in your next home. (Read about how to create a vision for your new life here.) Add to this the practical aspect of creating a safe place for your important documents and possessions that need to NOT get packed away. This is your transitional sacred space – an oasis of calm and order amidst the chaos.
Step 1- Clear a space
Start by intentionally clearing a corner (or an entire room, if you can) completely. Clean the space well, clearing away dust and cobwebs that might have been lurking behind furniture. Choose a spot that is well lit and not too far off the path of regular traffic. Once the area is clear and clean, don’t let anything into this space that cannot travel with you. Nothing in this spot will go on a moving truck.
Step 2 – Create a Portable Surface and Storage

This is a small book packing box, set on its side. Use the inside of the space to store important papers that might be needed in transition.
I like to use a small or medium packing box. Tape the bottom of the box as usual, but put the top flaps into the box. This helps to stabilize the box as well as create an open storage area. Next, put the box in your cleared space on its side with the opening facing out. I like to cover the top of the box with a scarf that hangs over the opening. The inside of the box is the storage place for very important papers and items that stay with you. Here are a few on my list:
- Passports and birth certificates
- Medications
- Moving documents and paperwork
- House and garage remote controls
- Extra house keys
- Purses/wallets
- Maps/plane tickets, etc
Step 3 – Create Sacred Space
Use the top of your box to put reminders to continue to manifest a great life in your new home. If you are moving to a new job, put something to remind you of how you’d like that to progress. Add a picture of your family at a happy time, as you manifest more of those happy times. If you will be looking for work in the new location, use objects that remind you of prosperity and success. Finally, make sure that all of your objects are easily portable. This is not the best place for fragile items.

Our transitional sacred space.
Our transitional sacred space for this move features a picture of us at a very happy time. It also includes roses from my garden (which I will miss) and a picture of my new backyard (for which I have grand gardening ideas). My cover for the box is actually my pool coverup which I will need at our hotel stops along the way.
Step 4 – Let the Sacred Space give you Peace
When the packing or the moving drama gets too intense, take a timeout to your transitional sacred space. Light a tea light candle and take a breath. Focus on all of the positive things you are manifesting as you make the move to a new location. Let the relative calm of this spot help you to reground and renew your resolve.
You might also consider adding a plastic dish to hold slips of paper with the family’s intentions as they arise. Each time someone has a hope for the new space, encourage them to write it down and place it in the dish. Carry these intentions with you as you leave one home to create a home in a new place.
Step 5 – Take it on the Road
If you are moving by land, simply pack all of these belongings up into the box. Label the box boldly – “Sacred Stuff”, or something to remind helpful friends that this box stays with you. If making stops along the way, you might consider setting up the box after a difficult travel day. This transitional sacred space can be a point of comfort at the end of a trying day.
If you are moving by air, you can tape up this box and carry it on the plane (small size only). Medium boxes are probably better to be ditched, placing the contents in a suitcase.
Step 6 – Set it up in the New Home
Before the truck is unloaded, pick a spot in your new home where your transitional sacred space will be relatively undisturbed. Set up your box just as it appeared in the old home. As soon as possible, transfer the important items and documents in the box to your new safe places for these things. Move the items on the top to a semi-permanent location where everyone will see it frequently.
As you settle into your new home, make time for conversation around the slips of paper in the dish. What actions need to be taken to help everyone in the family move toward the new life they have envisioned? Does this transitional sacred space need a permanent location? If so, where? How should it change?
A transition is always challenging, but it also carries great potential for positive growth and change. By being intentional with our move, we can harness that energy to create the life we dream of.
Clear your Space – Recharge your Self – Direct your Life

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[…] car and returned to the house to have lunch and continue the process. I also spend some time in my Transitional Sacred Space, to help me reground and focus on my exciting new life ahead of […]