Creative Tools: Manifest with Law of Attraction

My faithful 1989 Kenmore Sewing Machine – damaged beyond repair in the move
After our cross-country move from Los Angeles to Boston, the process of unpacking was going well. Most of our precious possessions made the trip safely. But when I unpacked my faithful 1989 Kenmore sewing machine, I knew that there was a problem right away. The movers had turned it upside down and had jammed delicate parts of the machine so hard that they had broken off inside the machine. I already knew that parts were no longer being made for my old friend. Repairing it was no longer an option. As a result, one of my key creative tools was permanently out of commission.
Not gonna lie – I cried like a baby. This machine and I had made countless outfits – wedding and christening gowns, costumes, and liturgical vestments. We had also made beautiful quilts, including our wedding quilt. We had a history together.
My wife was compassionate, but she finally said, “You know, I think that machine has held you back from growing your fabric skills.”
I stopped crying. She was right. I had complained about skipped stitches and poor performance for a while. I had dreamed long ago of one day owning an embroidery machine, but that seemed like too much money. Besides, I had my faithful old machine. Until now.
Multi-Streamed Creatives Need Creative Tools

Our wedding quilt – 2014

Set of vestments created for Rev. Kelly O’Connell – 2016
I’m a Multi-Streamed Creative – I have highly refined skills in more than one area. I am an Energy Consultant/Coach, fabric artist, and a composer/musician. Each one of these creative tracks requires specific creative tools to keep me at the top of my game. Therefore, I have top of the line software for my music composition work and my blogging. I have a beautifully appointed client space for my energy consulting work.
Consequently, it was time to up my game in the sewing department. I needed to put the Law of Attraction to work for me. (New to the Law of Attraction? Click here to read more.)
Step One: Dream and Get Inspired
After a mourning period, I started to research embroidery machines. I thought I knew what I wanted, but the price tag was high, and it felt out of reach. I went to my local sewing machine store to learn more about my options. A lovely woman named Cheryl spent lots of time with me, asking me about the kinds of creative work I did. I told her what I thought I wanted.
“Hmm. Yes, I’ll sell you one of those, but I don’t think that’s what you really want,” she said.
She led me over to a machine and sat me down for the education I needed. In five minutes, I was nearly drooling at the artistic possibilities of this machine. It was straightforward, flexible, and much more affordable than I thought. I was in love with a Baby Lock Destiny II Embroidery Machine. Dizzy with excitement and ideas, I left the store an hour later.
I needed that machine. As soon as possible.
Get your juices flowing – see what’s available and learn as much about your options as you can. Let yourself dream! Create a vision of what your new creative tool can do to open up your artistic life.
Step Two: Get Focused and Stay Flexible

Baby Lock Destiny Embroidery machine – in my sewing room
Cheryl had sent me home with a color brochure about the machine which I promptly put on my sewing table. Tenderly, I packed up my old machine, with gratitude for all that we had accomplished together, and set it aside. I started learning everything I could about the new model. Downloading the manual onto my computer, I read it completely. I read reviews, shopped for software, planned new projects. Most importantly, I visualized that machine on my sewing table every single day.
Most of my conversations were about how I could create new pieces with this machine that would open new markets for me. I had previously been limited because all my work was done by hand. Therefore, it was likely that this machine would pay for itself in a short period.
I looked at all sorts of possibilities for getting the money for this machine: everything from advance sales to crowdfunding. As a result, I did such a good job of manifesting and aligning with the energy of this machine that I didn’t need to do either of those things.
Talk to people about how your new creative tools might come to you quickly. Get the word out that you are ready to open your horizons in this way. Stay open to money coming from places that you might not expect. Be flexible with your thinking. It’s your task to be clear about what you want, not about how it’s coming to you. That’s the job of the Universe.
Step Three: Step Through Open Doors
My wife and I worked the numbers and with our tax return, we were getting close, but would still need a real financial boost from a source that was as yet unknown.
Shortly after this, I did some work for a friend. When it came time to discuss payment, I pulled a number out of my head that felt a little random. What I didn’t know at that moment was that it was exactly how much I needed to make up the gap. The Universe had literally whispered in my ear how much to charge, and my friend readily accepted.
When you express your desire with clarity, things happen FAST. The whole process, from the time I saw the right machine to the time that it came through my door (paid in full, cash) was about a month.
Step Four: Celebrate With Gratitude
This blog post is a big part of how I am celebrating this most recent huge win in my artistic life. I wanted to share this story to give you the inspiration to take your vision to the next level. I manifested a creative tool that cost thousands of dollars in a month. What’s holding you back from the instrument you need to grow as an artist?
Clear your Space – Recharge your Self – Direct your Life


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