Enhancing Worship... One Stitch At A Time
What makes your congregation unique? How do your paraments, vestments and linens reflect this singular identity? If you are ready for another option instead of ready-made liturgical items, then look no further! Each piece is custom designed and crafted as an original work of art.
Influenced by 30+ years as a dressmaker and quilter, my style relies heavily upon the inspiration of natural beauty. I use techniques of appliqué and embroidery to bring in local and symbolic flora to create frontals and vestments that engage the senses richly.
Visit Select Installations of Our Works
Eucharistic Linens - Creating a Flawless Foundation for Our Lord's Table
Why use genuine linen?
- One of the finest quality natural fabrics available - the altar of the Lord deserves the best we have to offer [Nehemiah 10:35]
- Linen reminds us of the care taken of Christ’s body by Joseph of Arimathea at burial [Mark 15:46]
- Linen lasts far longer than cotton or poly cotton blends
- Linen is extremely durable with repeated washings and stain removal
- Linen is grown using few chemicals and no field irrigation
- Linen is hypo-allergenic
- Linen is manufactured using all parts of the plant with almost no waste
- Linen is completely biodegradable
How are these linens crafted?
Highest quality 100% linen imported from Belgium
- Medium-weight linen is 4.4 ounces per square yard, 144 threads per square inch (other weights available)
- Hand hemmed for strength and smoothness
- Precision embroidered with many choices of patterns
- All linens are shipped with laundering instructions, if your church is new to genuine linen
- Many other embroidery patterns available as custom orders
- Lavabo towels, baptismal towels, travel set linens, and other custom sized linens available upon request

- Choice of 6 embroidered motifs
- Episcopal style (square) – 12”x12”
- $25 each, 5 for $110
- Custom sizes available

- Choice of 6 embroidered motifs
- 17”x17” square
- $55 each, 2 for $100
- Custom sizes available

Fair Linens
- Each fair linen is custom created
- Embroidery options vary
- Generous hems for richness and durability
- Email altar dimensions for a quote
Value Package:
- Set of two purificators and one corporal
- Choice of stock motifs as above
- $100 plus shipping

Stoles and Understoles


One-of-a-Kind designs for your Unique Church Community
Each order is custom created - there are no two alike. I work with only the highest quality of fabrics: hand-dyed 100% cotton batiks, silk dupioni, and brocades and trims from the British liturgical purveyors M. Perkins.
I specialize in appliqué - each element is cut and shaped by hand and applied to the face fabric with a fusible medium. Using free-motion technique, I thread-paint details and depth onto each flower, leaf and stem, bringing the flora to life.
I am also highly skilled in the art of bias interlacing appliqué . I design my own knotwork based on the ancient techniques found in Medieval manuscripts and artwork, and hand apply fabric to form dramatic Celtic flourishes.
I'm also a huge fan of "micro-elements" in my vestments and frontals. These tiny images of beetles, caterpillars, and butterflies give our youngest parishioners something special to look for when they approach the communion rail.
Prices are based upon the degree of intricacy and detail as well as the materials desired. Please email to set up a call to discuss options.
Frontals and Paraments

The Schaeffer System - Making Altar Changes Easy
Named for Jean Schaeffer, the Altar Guild Directress of the St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Toledo, OH, the Schaeffer System dramatically reduces the amount of effort and energy necessary for changing the frontal - without removing anything on the altar!
First, a bit of explanation. Frontals are traditionally comprised of two sections that are permanently joined: the actual frontal (what's visible from the front) and the decking (what goes on the top or mensa of the altar and hangs down the back of the altar, usually weighted with a rod). There are three main problems with this construction. First, these traditional frontals are very heavy, and usually require two people to handle them. Second, the entire altar must be stripped to change the frontal. Thirdly, these frontals are difficult to store without crushing or wrinkling them.
The Schaeffer System eliminates all three of these problems saving time, energy, and space. By separating the frontal portion from the decking portion, this system allows the decking to stay in place, underneath the fair linen, and with all the altar appointments in place.
I start with the decking, which is constructed from durable cotton duck. The decking piece is laid upon the altar with the Velcro strips towards the front of the altar and the pocket for the weighted rod at the back. This photo shows a setup for a church that wanted to be able to interchange frontals and superfrontals between two altars of the same width, but different heights. The Velcro strip to the right is for the superfrontal, while the strip to the Left is the "hiked up" position for the full frontal that also fits another higher altar. Notice the thread line at the very front edge of the altar - this allows the decking to be placed accurately at the very edge of the altar in the precise location for the frontal to fall at the perfect height. The edges of the decking are finished in cotton bias for durability and strength.
In this next photo, here's where the magic happens! I add aligning marks to the decking and a thread aligning mark to allow for perfect centering of the frontal the very first time. Once the frontal is attached, the weighting rod can be slid into its pocket, and set-up is complete. Notice the small, square Velcro "dots" - these are an add-on feature that allow for the use of overlays with your frontals. An overlay is a smaller fabric hanging that enables the frontal to be customized for a celebration, theme, or season. For instance, if your church uses purple paraments for both the Lent and Advent seasons, an overlay is a less expensive way to bring out the themes of the season without investing in another entire frontal. This lovely purple frontal could be embellished with a rose overlay on Gaudete Sunday and Refreshment Sunday. How about a special overlay to celebrate the theme of the Stewardship campaign? There are six "dots" across the decking to hold an overlay up to 42" wide.
Because I'm a perfectionist when it comes to the altar, the bumps of the Velcro posed a bit of a concern. I find it helpful with any decking system to have a bit of padding underneath the fair linen and over the decking. This padding serves several practical purposes. First, it helps to eliminate any "clunking" sounds from chalices, sacramentary stands, etc. Second, it provides an absorbent layer to quickly pull wine and water away from both the fair linen and the decking. In the Schaeffer System, it serves a third purpose: it evens out the landscape of the mensa so that the fair linen is smooth and candlesticks aren't tipping precariously. In this photo, the decking was designed for the overlay add-on, so the notches hug around the Velcro "dots", allowing for a flawless surface.
I'm looking forward to working with you to create and build a frontal that is as much a joy to install as it is an enhancement to the worship life of your church community.