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I have a lifelong love of writing and learning. Blogging is a fantastic vehicle for me to share what I discover with you. I really enjoy the process of research – I consider it to be an informational “scavenger hunt”. Hence, I am committed to bringing to my readers the best information on subjects with which I am deeply connected. I’m not shy about my opinion, but I am careful to tell my readers whether I’m speaking about my preferences, my experiences, or research-driven information.
So whether you're interested in Space Clearing and feng shui or you're checking out my Liturgical Fabric Art or my musical compositions, make yourself at home and enjoy!
The crown chakra is located at the topmost part of the head. It is our energetic connection to the Universe. It allows us to tap into the energy of the sun, sky, and stars. At this point, our bodies complete the circuit between the earth and the heavens. It is associated with our spiritual energy, drawing…
Read MoreI’m on retreat at Ring Lake Ranch, an ecumenical retreat center in the mountains of Wyoming (just southeast of DuBois). This is my second time coming here, and I have spent the last week unwinding into the rhythm of tending horses, mealtimes, horseback rides, hikes, and naps. The awesome beauty of nature meets the eye…
Read MoreMost of the time, writing my blog comes easily to me. I have a ton of ideas floating around my head. (What’s difficult is deciding which one comes next!) But today, I was struggling to get into my “flow”. I couldn’t seem to tune in to the Divine Frequency. My wife and I are preparing…
Read MoreThe sixth chakra, or Third Eye Chakra, is located in the center of the forehead. This chakra is associated with vision, intuition, and insight. It contains the energy that fuels our dreams at night. It is the seat of our own self-identity, as we turn its powerful vision inward to perceive ourselves. The Third Eye…
Read MoreThe Throat Chakra, located at the base of the front of the neck, is the energetic seat of creativity and self-expression. From this point, we are prompted to speak our deepest truths and to put our energy back into the world in the form of our creative efforts. When this chakra is healthy and balanced,…
Read MoreI recently posted an article about the Law of Attraction and how it relates to the Divine Presence (you can read it here). It seems natural for me to also talk about how I have learned to perceive the Creator, and to share with you the path I took to this means of divine communication.…
Read MoreThe Heart Chakra (fourth chakra) is, not surprisingly, the center of our energetic ability to give and receive love. Located in the center of the chest, it also serves as the halfway point of the chakra spectrum. It is here that the earth-focused energy of the lower three chakras meets the sky-focused energy of the…
Read MoreI’m bracing myself for the flamethrowers in this article. Yes, I’m talking about the Divine and the Law of Attraction. How do I know that what I’m about to say is going to upset the apple carts of some of my readers? Because I had to move past all of these limiting beliefs to find…
Read MoreLocated in the area around our upper abdomen (below the rib cage, but above the navel), the third chakra is the center of our sense of self, our self-awareness and our identity. It is the place from which we must breathe to be fully alive. It is the “furnace” of energy that fuels our will…
Read MoreDo you ever have the feeling that you are missing something critical about the Law of Attraction? Are you stuck in the same unwanted situation in spite of reading The Secret and other books? Does it seem like you are looking for the missing piece of the puzzle? The reason that so many people get…
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